The Stahl Companies has recently achieved a major project milestone at Mercy San Juan Medical Center in Carmichael by completing the final phase of the Sterile Processing and Decontamination remodel. After several years of functioning in a reduced footprint during construction, the staff is now operating in their full department space!
We have remaining construction in a couple of minor spaces, but this turnover was an immense accomplishment requiring significant coordination with the agency, project team, and facility.
During the Transition, continual daily communication by all involved parties from the Thursday morning through the entire weekend demonstrated the true spirit of Teamwork. Phone calls and emails between the Stahl team, AOR, IOR, Facility Engineering, Special Inspector, the Contractor, and more took place through 7 pm each day. The Stahl Companies made multiple trips daily to the site confirming all matters were being addressed.
We recognize the relentless efforts by Megan and the entire Stahl project team, Alfredo, Amanda, Wes, Jens, and Amy who were most definitely key factors in successfully turning over this space to the users. The end result…success!
The Central Sterile Processing Department (CSPD) is the area in a hospital where cleaning and sterilization of devices used in medical procedures takes place. The processes an instrument goes through in the CSPD depends on its use, material construction, and other factors. Typically, an instrument coming from the Operating Room arrives at the Decontamination area to be manually cleaned, then placed in a large ultrasonic cleaner or sonic irrigator before being placed into a washer/disinfector. Next, the instrument would be transported to a Prep & Pack area to be prepared for sterilization. It will then be sterilized through one of many types of sterilization processes. Once sterilized, the instrument will either be sent back to a procedure room to be used again, or into sterile storage until it is needed again for a procedure. Credit: