Part 7 of 7 in this blog series: Punch List and Project Close-Out
“This is it. We’re almost done.”
However, there are still a few items left to finish. All the items mentioned below will help bring the project to a successful close and provide valuable insight for the next project undertaken.
After all the equipment and furnishings are installed, a punch list walk will be completed by the owner, installer, and procurement coordinator. A report will be presented to the owner and installer that will include any deficiencies, corrections, repairs, and subsequent due dates for work to be completed.
Once all the punch list items are completed, a final walk-through and sign-off will be obtained from the owner. A well performed, accurate, and thorough walk-through is vital as it helps ensure the facility is prepared to be evaluated for the licensing review. A speedy licensing process will help the facility expeditiously accept their first patient and thereby begin providing the vital services for which they are intended.
The warehouse supervisor should also be tasked with providing a list of any surplus or damaged items that will be stored by the owner for future use, restocking, or repair. A close-out binder should be provided to the owner to include items such as: contact list, contract deliverables/scope of work, equipment list, equipment furnish/install list, and remaining warehouse inventory, if any.
Finally, a meeting with the owner’s management and purchasing director, warehouse supervisor, and procurement coordinator to discuss Lessons Learned will complete the project close-out.
The construction of a hospital is a large undertaking with MANY layers of information and details, but a project team working together, communicating regularly, and working toward a common goal – helping the owner achieve success- will lay the framework for a great project!