In Part 2 of this 7-part blog series, we will talk about: Medical and Non-Medical Equipment Specifications
After the programming and planning phases are complete, the selected equipment will be documented in the project records. The medical equipment specifications for a new hospital will play an important role in completing the contract documents that will be used to submit for OSHPD approval and construction permits.
These specifications will also be used to generate a budget, track purchases, and be used for warehouse and installation planning.
Equipment specifications will include manufacturer, model, quantity, size, weights, infrastructure requirements (mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and seismic), colors and accessories.
Other items may also include, structural details, lead times, furnish/install data, location and funding source.
The information can be entered into a simple spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel or more
complex programs like a database such as Attania. The important factor in choosing your software package is finding one that will allow you to accomplish a variety of sorts and filters. This will allow you to track data in a variety of forms and reports that may include IT users, procurement staff, financial staff and clinical users.
Having documents with software that is readily available and user-friendly that can be turned over to the owner at project close-out is a major benefit to the owner. This affords the owner the opportunity to use the documents for future reference without the need of costly, specialized software, special staff assistance, or the need for other special training. Once all the specifications are entered into the spreadsheet, a final review with the users is done to validate the medical equipment items to be purchased.
PLAN AHEAD… these specifications will be used throughout the remainder of the project so choose your format wisely and avoid the “pitfall” of having to recreate a separate document for each user/need.
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